
visible invisible

Humans are called to attend to both the visible and the invisible. By nature, the visible pieces carry expectations and urgency. Invisible things have not yet emerged into the world; they can be seen only by the person to whom they are given. Because of this, gravity tends to pull them to the bottom of the priority list.

But it’s imperative that we resist such forces. Anybody can be replaced when it comes to managing visible actions, whereas the invisibles animate our personal contributions with true uniqueness. This transcends job-security and reaches into the realm of spiritual responsibility.


Mrs Zeke said...

It's always that right hand no one is to see that is really doing the stuff that matters.
Or is it the left?

It does not matter which I suppose it just matters that one is left doing the important stuff, the stuff that is unseen, except by the eyes of God Himself who I dare to say might just delight in it.

the background is such a powerful place to be.

Tomorrow is not promised so love now

Scott said...

"The background is such a powerful place to be." What a lovely statement! It calls to mind John the Baptist's insight, "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30)

It forces a re-thinking of what can be meant by powerful. And I daresay that's exactly the sort of thinking necessary for Right & Left to work together...

Mrs Zeke said...

I wonder SB if people are just made different so that they don't fall into sin in what they do. Like using the background, I need to stay there besides being effective for me I don't want old issue's of ugly pride in my face. Maybe for the ones who are in the spotlight in a healthy effective way that is not there struggle so it works.

I guess I could put it like this lets say the right hand has a struggle that the left knows about, so the left works in secret to prevent the rights's struggle taking over what may be good works for the Lord.

I don't know you started a new thought string in my head ...its all your fault :)

be loved you are