
Beach Trees

The trees along the beach bend eastward
like brown and green waves

The wind has gotten into their makeup

Even when the salted air is dead calm
these trees lunge inland
as though pressed by a gale

Movement playing stillness


Scott said...

Thanks, Dan -- If you ever have a chance to visit the Oregon Coast, try to walk the beach in the little town of Yachats.

And if you make it as far as the Oregon Coast, don't even think about not driving up to share a bottle of Yakima Valley cab-sav with Hilary & me.

Scott said...

We'd love that! You'll probably want some coaching on place-name pronunciation (some of them are really inside-out...). Yachats is YAH-hots, Yakima is YAK-i-muh, and of course Spokane is spo-CAN (let's not even get into Puyallup!).

My guitars are all tuned up and ready to go...

Scott said...

Wow, now there's a concept! I must confess that, to the extent that I've given it any thought, I'd have considered myself already too old. Not too old to surf, per se, but too old to learn. You're messing with my categories (as you are wont to do...).

I like your flip of the phrase -- thanks for that.